Thursday, December 15, 2016

online hicheel

Week 1. Grammar
How to make the 3rd person singular 
forget               +s
express            ss, sh, ch, x, o, +es
say                   vowel+y+s
study                consonant+ies
take                  . +s
buy                  vowel+y+s
tidy                  consonant+ies
eat                    +s
Drive               +s
Crash               ss, sh, ch, x, o, +es
Play                 vowel+y+s
Do                   ss, sh, ch, x, o, +es
Cry                  consonant+ies
Fly                   consonant+ies
Boil                  +s
Lay                  vowel+y+s
Pass                 ss, sh, ch, x, o, +es
Stay                 vowel+y+s
Teach               ss, sh, ch, x, o, +es
Fry                   consonant+ies
Present simple tense and present continuous tense
Draw                +ing
Lie                   e+ing
Dive                 e+ing
Put                   double consonant+ing
Drink               +ing
Run                  double consonant+ing
Sit                    double consonant+ing
Tie                   e+ing
Give                 e+ing
Apply              y+ing
Live                 e+ing
Grow               +ing
Begin               double consonant+ing
Type                e+ing
Die                   e+ing
Write the verbs in the box into the correct form of the present simple or present continuous
The McCarthys  lives (live) in perth.
John is painting (paint) the garage at the moment.
The earth moves (move) around the sun.
Anna likes (like) her new school.
The flight to New York leaves (leave) at 7:00am.
We are looking (look) for new furniture for the living room at present.
Are you going (you/go) to Spain this summer.
Rachel works as a waitress at “sunrise diner”.
The train from Brussels arrives at 5:10 pm.
We are staying (stay) at a beatiful hotel by the sea.
Ellen hates (hate) dogs.
She exercises (exercise) three times a week.
I am writing (write) a letter to Micheal right now
Water freezes (freeze) at 0oC
Click on the correct form of the verb
Stacey goes shopping for fruit and vegetables every Saturday morning.
He doesn’t speak five languages.
Bob is driving the children to the match tonight.
Julie enjoys listening to classical music.
Are they playing in the garden at the moment?
Jonh and Mary  hate adventure holidays.
They are looking for a house to rent.
The flight to London departs at 10:05 am
Mrs Parker teaches History at Lawton High school.
Melissa doesn’t like mini-skirts.
Water boils at 100oC
What are you doing this Saturday night.
Present simple tense and present continuous tense
Cross out the unnecessary word, as in the example.
The are been going on holiday on Monday.
They are going on holiday on Monday.
I am enjoy going to parties.
I enjoy going to parties
the plane from paris does ariives at 7:30.
The plane from paris arrives at 7:30.
They are looking for a house at present.
They are looking for a house at present.
Does he do listen to music in his free time?
Does he listen to music in his free time?
I like swimming but I don’t like fishing too.
I like swimming but I don’t like fishing.
She is at home at now.
She is at home now.
Choose the correct form of the present simple or present continuous, as in the example.
Dear Philip                                                     i (1) am writing (write) to tell you about my holiday.
i (1) am writing (write) to tell you about my holiday. I (2) ………(stay) with my friend in spain for two weeks. It (3)…………(be) usually sunny at this time of year, but at the moment it (4)…..(rain).Tomorrow morning we (5)…………..(go) sightseering and in the evening we (6)…….(plan) to go out for a nice meal. We both (7)……….(enjoy) Spanish food very much. I (8)…….(arrive) home next Saturday.
See you then,
2. am staying
3. is raining
5.are going
6.are planning
7.enjoy arriving
Week 1 reading
Read the passage about engineering and learn new words and do the tasks followed by the text
The field of engineering includes a broad range of activities – from planning and supervising large construction projects to designing and producing aids for the physically handicpped.
Engineering is the profession that puts scientific knowledge to practical use. The word “engineering” comes from the Latin word “Ingeniare”, which means to design or to create. Engineers use principles of science to design structures, machines, and products of all kinds. They look for better ways to use to use existing resources and often develop new materials. Engineers have had a direct role in the creation of most modern tachnology-the tools, materials, techniques and power sources that make our lives easier.
The field of engineering includes wide variety of activities. For example, engineering projects range from the construction of huge dams to the design of tiny electronic circuits. Engineers help produce guided missiles, industrial robots, or artificial limbs for the physically handicapped. They develop complex scientific equipment to explore the reaches of outer space and the depths of the oceans. Engineers also plan our electric power and water supply systems, and do research to improve automobiles, television sets, and other consumer products. They may work to reduce environmental pollution, increase the world’s food supply, and make transportation faster and safer.
In ancient times, there was no formal engineering education. The earliest engineers built structures and developed tools by trial and error. Today, special college training prepares engineers to work in a certain branch of field of engineering and standards of quality ans performance guide them on the lob.
Most of the specialized fields of engineering developed since about 1750. Before that time, engineering dealt mostly with the construction of buildings, roads, bridges, or weapons. As people gained more knowledge of science and technology during the 1700’s and 1800’s, engineers began to specialize in certain kinds of work.
Today, new fields of engineering are continually emerging as a result of scientific and technological breakthroughs. At the same time, the boundaries between the various fields are becoming less and less clear-cut. Numerous areas of engineering overlap and engineers from different specialties often work closely together on porjects.
1.      Engineer----------- a person who uses scientific knowledge to solves practical problems
2.       To design--------- to plan something how it will look and function
3.       Equipment--------- a tool needed to person a service
4.       Performance------- an act or process to function or operate
5.      Technology-------- the practical application of science
2.   1.Physically handicapped---------Disability in bodly functions
      2. food supply-------- providing food available for
      3. formal engineering education-------- quality training prepares engineers to practical work
      4. power source---------- any form of energy supply
      5. practical use----------- the act using in daily lives
Answer the following questions and show them to your teacher.
1.      What does engineering deal with?
2.      Where does the word “engineering” come from?
3.      What is the main purpose of engineering?
4.      What do engineers look for?
5.      What is the key role of engineers?
6.      Why do engineers need to have formal education?
7.      When did specialized branches of engineering emerge?
8.      Why are the boundaries between the various engineering fields disappearing gradually?
3.The reading passage is mainly about engineering profession
4.The word “creation” in bold is closest in the meaning to invention
5.According to the reading passage, engineers work in the creation of modern tools and materials
6.When did the different fields of engineering begin to develop?18th century
7.The word  “explore” in italics is similar in meaning to search for
8.Before modern age, engineering field specializes in different many branches, because science                          and technology develop greatly in 1700s
9.The underlined phrase “wide variently” is the same meaning to broad range
10.Which of the following of the following is the best title for the third paragraph?
Why trained engineers
11.A PhD is not required to attend egineering Ethics true
    The space travel session is bourd accredited. False
    The attention event is open to engineers with any level of education false
12. A bachelor’s degree requires four years of study.
13. Students can earn a master’s degree after a bachelor’s.
14. Joe has an entry-level job, but wants a higher position.
15. The college wasn’t accredited because it didn’t meet requirements
16. Sara has a doctorate , the highest level of study.
17. Match
A.     MSc-------Any degree achieved after a bachelor’s
B.     Postgraduate degree---- A degree showing four years of study
C.     Meng------- a master’s degree in a scientific field
D.     ABET------ a master’s degree in engineering
E.      EAB------- a doctorate
F.      MSc(Res)----- a master’s degree in a scientific field earned through research
G.     Undergraduate degree-----accerditing body in the United Kingdom
H.     PhD------ accerditing body in the United States
a.       What is the main idea of the conversation?
Why the engineers can only attend certain events
b.      The woman will attend Engineering Ethics because
She only has a bachelor’s degree
Week 2 grammar 1

the worst
more difficult
the most difficult
the largest
the best
the biggest
the easiest
the most
the least
more interesting
the most interesting
Grammer 2
1.      This is a nice cat. It’s much nicer than my friend’s cat.
2.      Here is Emily. She’s six years old. Her brother is nice, so he is the oldest
3.      This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the the most difficult
4.      He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the the most interesting
5.      In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even better one last weekend
6.      School os boring, but homework is more boring  than school
7.      Skatebourding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is more dangerous
8.      This magazine is cheap, but that one is cheaper
9.      We live in a small house, but my grandparents’ house is even smaller than ours
10.  Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the funniest   joke I’ve ever heard

Grammer 01
Scrap can be sorted easily using magnetism. If the metal is galvanised (coated with zinc) the zinc is fully recyclable. If it stainless steel, other metal mixed with the iron, such as chromium and nickel, can also be recovered and recycled   “steel”
Sorting is critical, as there are key differences between the dear and coloured material used in bottles and jars, and the high-grade material used in engineering applications, which contains traces of metals “glass”
Scarcity makes recycling especially desirable, and justifies the cost of removing insulation from electric wires, which are a major source of scarp. Pure metal can also be recovered from alloys derived from it, notably brass (which also contains quanties of zinc, and often lead) and bronze (which contains tin). “copper”
The cost of melting down existing metal is significantly cheaper than the energy-intensive process of electrolysis, which is required edges, can make the process costly.  “aluminium”
Hardwood and softwood can be reused. However, the frequent need to remove ironmongery and saw or plane off damaged edges/, can make the process costly.    “timber”
Tyres are the primary source of recyclable material. These can be reused whole in certain applications. They can also be ground into crumbs which have varied uses    “rubber”
An obstacle to recycling is the need to sort waste carefully. While some types can be melted down for reuse, many cannot, or result in low-grade material.   “plastic”
plastic bags  steel pipes    copper wire   aluminium can
 glass table  timber flooring  rubber mat

Grammer 03
1.      Stainless steel--------- type of steel not needing a protective coating, as it doesn’t rust
2.      Zinc------------------- a meal used to make brass, and in galvanised coatings on steel
3.      Iron-------------------- the predominant metal in steel
4.      Bronze-----------   an allay made from copper and tin
5.      Lead-------------- a dense, poisonous metal
6.      Hardwood-------- timber from decidouos trees
7.      Ore --------- rocks from which metals can by extracted
8.       Softwood-------timber from pine trees
Grammer 04
1.      Bronze contains significant amounts of copper
2.      Galvanised steel is steel coated with zinc
3.      Steel is an alloy derived from iron
4.      Pure metals can usually be recovered of alloys.
5.      To produce stainless steel, iron is mixed with other metal
6.      Stainless steel contains quantities of chromium and nickel
7.      Glass table are contains trace of metals, such as lead
8.      When new metal is extracted from ore, the costs can be high
Grammer 1
1.      Compounds---------combinations of material
2.      Exotic-------------- rare or complex
3.      Ferrous----------- iron and steel
4.      Ceramics--------minerals transformed by heat
5.      Alloy------------ mixture of metals
6.      Non-metallic------materials that are not metal
7.      Polymers--------plastic materials
Presenting information 02
1.      True  A general-to-specific organization is recommended
2.      False The employee should begin with a summary of goals.
3.      False A signpost is an example of a visual aid
Presenting information 03
1.      Signpost------ A phrase or word that signals a change in topic
2.      General-to-specific strategy-----organization style in which specific details follow basic ideas
3.      Presentation program----A program that displays a slide show
4.      Body language------ Communication through body movements
5.      Summarize------To repeat the main points of something
6.      Citation-------- A reference from a piece of writing
Presenting information 03
1.      What is the main gaol of this projects?  Objective
2.      Use a machine that shows images on a scree.   

3.      Write the inportant points on a small, firm, piece of paper. 
Cue card
4.      Remember the basic rule: do things in the simplest way.                           
5.      Include images that express information in the lecture.         
Visual      aids
6.      Did the speaker give out any document related to the lecture?
Presenting information 05
1.      The presentation wes organized poorly.
2.      The women suggests clarifying the objective.
3.      The man appeared nervous while presenting.
Presenting information 06
Presenter: Janet, what did you think of my practice presentation?
Co-worker: I though It was 1 pretty good  Jasmin. You stated your objective of optimizing mobile robot’s very clearly.
Presenter: was my 2 discussion of the robot’s design phase confusing?
Co-worker: No. the general-to specific arganization made it 3 easy to follow.
Presenter: great. Do you have any advice to 4 help me improve?
Co-worker: Maybe you can work on your delivery a little.
Presenter: what exactly should I change?
Co-worker: Just be aware of your 5 body language . You were moving around a lot. And 6 looking down at   your cue cards too much.

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